The painting above is a self portrait painted using a large mirror.
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About me

I live in the Phoenix Arizona area.  I built this web site so that you could see samples of my work.  I started the process of being an artist by taking drawing class's for a year. My second year I painted only monocromatic paintings typically with two colors. My third year I started into pastels but quickly learned I preferred using oils. For many years I painted live models in an art class. Typically two hours . Most of my work in the early years were with these live models painting nudes, many with costumes, head poses all done in two hours. Many I just left unfinished.

i love portraits( head and shoulders, full body , landscapes/still life, and Christmas Santas. My last guess is that I have completed over 1000 paintings . Many i gave to the model because they liked the painting i was doing of them in an art class.  

 My primary work is portraiture with a preferred method of drawing the subject live in a one to two hour sitting. I take many photographs and finish it in my studio.  

I also work from photographs.  I paint in stages . I will do a drawing usually from charcoal. I then do an underpainting typically monocromatic with black,white and burnt umber. I then do the first painting of color using my full palette. I let that dry then do a second painting mixing colors exact to the person. I finish the painting sometimes with a glaze to either lighten,darken or add specific color. I varnish the dried painting and its ready to go in about one month.

I paint children, animals, landscapes ,houses , and many Christmas santas. I think my paintings are uninique because I have a disability in being able to only see out of one eye. I do have issues with depth perception and you be the judge if it creates something different than your typical good artist.

Painting of my left eye
This painting of my left eye is representative of my truly unique style.  It was completed in 2001 after my left eye was blinded as the result of an accident. It is a special painting to me as it represents the feeling of loss I suffered when my world changed on 5/28/1999. Just click on it and it will enlarge.  Prints of this painting are available upon request.